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Don't Under Estimate

It's funny how people judge things. First impressions are important but they’re not everything. A first impression doesn't reveal the truth, at least not most of it. All of your success, failures, abilities, experiences, and the results of them are hidden underneath. It's a shame how some people don't really get to know you because they write you off due to insignificant things like, you're over weight, you don't have a college degree, you’ve had some “hiccups” on your resume, or you didn't spell something correctly. I have to admit (and I’m not proud of it) I do it too. It's funny how those judgments turn into assumptions… like “you’re technology fits into category “A” and we’re not looking for anything in category “A” right now” or “your company doesn’t fit our criteria” etc… Those types of assumptions without proper due diligence, can cost a company millions! Yet people do it every day, 10 times a day! I realize time is rare, I too am busy. But what if there’s something revolutionary there that you can use to help you be more productive or even successful? i.e.:


Everyone is looking to fit things in boxes and categories to save time, money, and hassle. The term “think outside the box” is nothing but a cliché because people are so far in the box or looking for a box to put something in that they can’t see the forest through the trees! Yet, on they go through their professional career using the phrase “we need to think outside the box” ad nauseam! I’m sure you’ve seen the postings on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter et al, of this picture …

we ve always done it that way.jpeg

People will post this picture but continue on thinking this way! It’s Ludacris! If any individual, corporation, or especially small business is going to be successful then they have to shift their way of thinking. “Judging a book by its cover” is a sure path to failure in this business climate. There are organizations and individuals out there that are doing it right, but it’s rare.

I as a leader need to influence my teams to think innovatively! In order to do that, I need to think innovatively and show them how to do it in the process. If you continue to engage with individuals that keep doing things the same way they always did because that’s what worked in the past then they’ll keep you in the past and the present and future will just pass you by. This economy is moving too fast… competition is popping up quickly and their message will drown yours out if you don’t analyze, innovate, and change course when needed. Status quo is the new FAILURE and judgment is the path to it!

Look at ways you or your organization can take the time to evaluate new technologies. Take a step back and really review that resume in spite of the fact that the person doesn’t have a degree. Listen to your team even if the idea seems farfetched or takes time and resources to implement. If you do, you’ll find that everyone with you will start doing the same and that will have a positive impact on you, your team, and the entire organization.

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